We offer rental or lease agreements for nearly all of our equipment.

With 35 years of operating experience, we’ve upgraded customers continually since the beginning. Whether it is an initial sale, purchase, rental or lease; or a customer for years wanting newer technology.

Flexible Rental Agreements

Flexible rental agreements can include delivery, installation, key operator training and IT setup.

Flexible rental plans include same or next day service, parts, and all supplies and maintenance. (everything except paper)

Flexible rental agreements are very attractive because they include upgrade options without penalties.

This gives you the flexibility to upgrade in additional features or technology for your work environment's productivity.

Plans can be rated by our cost per copy program. This would allow you to have multiple conveniently placed machines in your business while only paying per copy: Multiple Unit Plan.

Lease Agreement

Lease Agreements include delivery, installation, and key operating training to users.

Lease Agreements include same day or next day service, parts, all supplies, and maintenance: everything except paper.

Short term leases are handled internally, whereas long term leases are handled through our third party leasing company with very flexible terms and reasonable rates.

Call us today at (630) 894-9420 to find the best alternative program for your company.


E-Mail us questions to print@zeaportequipment.com